HK91 / G3 Navy Style SEF Grip – Push Pin – Surplus, Good Condition


Availability: 3 in stock

SKU: HK91G3NavyGripUsed Category: Tags: ,

This is a genuine German HK91 / G3 Navy Style grip housing.  It’s just the grip and there aren’t any internals to be clear.

They are in good shape and will show signs of wear (light scuffing or very small nicks), marring, grime, etc.  They are relatively clean though – my best guess is that they were cleaned somewhere along the line.

They paint in the letters is faded and may be missing in places.

Expect some fitting – especially if you are putting one on a CETME or clone from PTR, etc.

This listing is for one grip.

Weight 0.5 lbs
Dimensions 8 × 4 × 1.5 in


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